Sunday, June 28, 2015

Location, Location, Location...

A gem from last week's camp adventures that I originally posted on FB....

Yes, camp parent. I cannot think of a better place/time for your two active 6 years olds to strip to their underoos and completely change clothes than in the hallway. After a field trip show. As camps are swapping. In front of the stage door....

Thursday, June 18, 2015

And then this happened....

I see your lost lunch, and homesick camper, and raise you one camper wedged/stuck behind the ballet barre (requiring it to be unscrewed from the wall)....

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Scene: Ellie is headed to a 9am meeting
ELLIE: Ugh, I'm off to a meeting.
LAURA: You want me to walkie you in 15 minutes with an "emergency?"
ELLIE: Yeah, say it's a Code Purple. It'll mean vomit.
Scene: Ellie in a meeting. It is now 9:15am.
Moral: And that's why you never make up code names.

Monday, June 8, 2015


So. Another summer another season of drama camp drama. It's day one here and already I have some stories. 

I was helping a parent in the lobby and a small child walks through with a high school volunteer. I glance up and then do a double take noticing the child is not wearing her skirt. She is wearing a towel. 

Day one y'all. Day one!


Scene: 8 year old boy walks up to Teaching Artist and stares hard in her face.
TA: Do I know you from somewhere?
Boy: Hmmmm. Do you go to my church?
TA: No.
Boy: Ummmmm. Do you work at my school?
TA: No.
Boy: Uhhhhh. Therapy?