Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Parent Drama!!

You know you're in the mood for a drama story that involves parents!!  This one promises to deliver.

Yesterday, on day 1 of Musical Showcase: Broadway's Best of the 21st Century, a child made a not-mean-intention-ed but inappropriate comment about the new Annie movie ("Yeah, but they cast some black chick as Annie. That's not going to work, she won't have red hair and freckles.").  Our instructor addressed the concept of multi-racial casting in response.  First thing this morning, I get an email from one of the camper's mothers (the camper is a friend of said commentator) saying her daughter, although liking the group and the instructors, felt that the way the incident was dealt with was blown out of proportion. She is upset and withdrawing from camp. I sent this in response:

Hi .......t,

I'm very disappointed to hear this. I'm wondering if ..........did not accurately relay the events of yesterday.   A student in her group said, "Can you believe a black chick is playing Annie in the movie?" and then went on to express that she thought an all-black Annie was a bad idea.  While this comment may not have been said with mean intent, it was absolutely something that needed to be addressed.  The teacher didn't bring up the actual comment but did address the cast about "rainbow" or multi-racial casting.  I can assure you it was addressed quickly, in a very level headed manner, and was witnessed by a full time staff member, who agreed that the comment needed to be addressed in order to make sure everyone in the company felt safe and respected.  

We very surprised upon hearing the news of this email. I would hope that you would feel very positive about a camp which is run by instructors who promote acceptance, ensemble, and do not tolerate disrespectful comments, however innocent the kids may think that comment was.

I would  encourage ......... to confront this issue, rather than quitting it.  We would be happy to discuss the situation with you and .........before camp today to help her (and you) contextualize the incident.  I would also encourage you to remember that all stories have three sides to them, and it's important to get a clear picture of what happened before making a decision as big as this one.  


I mean, maybe throwing away two weeks commitment and $800 isn't a big decision....

Also, this is the response you get at 8:30 in the morning before coffee.

Just a few minutes after this email, I got an email from the parent of this camper's friend, the one who made the insensitive comment.  They discussed it last night and how it could make others uncomfortable and she felt bad about it.  She thought it was a good lesson for her to learn and is hoping today goes more smoothly.  I told her that we would give her some extra TLC to send the message to her (and the rest of the kids) that you can fuck up sometimes and we'll still love you.

Interesting that the parent of the child who made a mistake is fine, even grateful, for our response, but a parent of a bystander camper (who is hearing the story third hand) is withdrawing after one day.  

Fascinating, right?

Thursday, July 24, 2014


So I am back after vacation, changing jobs and just keeping my head above water for a couple weeks.

Just a short anecdote: Today a parent pulled their kid from camp because there wasn't enough sword fighting.  She suggested letting the students bring their swords from home and play swords during camp.

Percy Jackson Camps are the BEST!

And yes that's the master sword from Zelda...

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Wisdom of Youth

Overheard exchange in the Ladies Room this morning...

Camper A: When I grow up, I’m going to be single with a bunch of kids.  I’m going to adopt.  I’m going to do it myself…no husband or nothin’!
Camper B: Why?..
Camper A: Because husband means pregnant.  And I’m never getting pregnant.

Note that this conversation was proceeded by a discussion of how to play the game “Bloody Mary” which led to a comment about a mom who apparently makes great Bloody Mary’s, which led to a comment that another mom drinks Bloody Mary’s, which led to a comment that yet another mom has never been drunk.

Based on the sequence, there may or may not have been a synaptic jump that Bloody Mary's lead to pregnancy....

Monday, July 7, 2014

Quotes of the Week....

Wed, July 2

In Once Upon a Time Camp, we are exploring CLICK, CLACK MOO. We are playing "Farmer Says," a version of Simon Says that involves a handkerchief.

Student A (the one who loved salad from earlier, feeling poetical): Farmer Says blossom like a flower. Farmer Says flap your wings and fly like a bird. Farmer Says grow like a tree.

Student B (during his turn, later, the one who thinks salad is adult from earlier, feeling bold): Farmer Says walk out of the classroom door. Farmer Says take off one of your shoes. Farmer Says try to walk around the room with only one shoe on....

Did I mention that Student A and Student B are cousins?

Thurs, July 3 (or as we called it, Thriday)

At the beginning of the day, the check-in table:

Ms. Tracy (camp manager of excellence): Good morning, C.

C (4 years old): [Gives a big yawn and stretch]

Ms. Tracy: Oh, C, are you tired this morning?

C: (sleepily): Yeah, I pah-tied really hard last night?

Ms. Tracy: What's that? You partied really hard?

C: No, I pottied. I had to get up and go to the potty and I didn't get any sleep.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Zoology Musing of the Day

Discussion in the 3rd-5th grade drama camp:

Student: Do you think if people were cats, doctors would think they were overweight?
Miss M: Um...I don't know (name of student), what do you think?
Student: I think so.  Because people weigh so much more than cats!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bad words

A student was sent to talk to me because he "said the 'F' word, and called someone the 'B' word, and also an 'A' hole."

When confronted the student pointed out that he actually only said "F" and "B" and "A".  The letters not the whole words.  Tricky...