Thursday, July 7, 2016

And then there are the parents...


(Phone Rings)

Camp Manager:  Hello How can I help you?

Father: Yes I believe you called and said my daughter forgot her lunch?

Camp Manager: Yes that's correct, would someone be available to come by and bring one to her?

Father:  I am not sure...  We are still deciding if we want to bring her one or teach her a lesson. We are trying to teach her to be independent.  She's 9.  She should remember these things.

Camp Manager: Um... (appalled and taken aback)  Can you hold please? (Puts phone on hold.  Turns to me.)  Can we not allow a student to eat? 

Me:  WHAT?

CM: The parent said he wants to teach her a lesson and not bring food.

Me;  UM... NO!

CM:  Thats what I thought too.  (Picks back up Phone)  Hello?  Hello?  (the father has hung up.)


(I pick up phone and dial Father)

Me:  Hello.  I was just checking back in.  My Camp Manager said you were not sure if you were going to bring your daughter a lunch to "teach her a lesson"

Father;  That's correct.

Me: I cannot allow a student to go 7 hours in camp with out food.  We can buy her a lunch and then have you reimburse us or you can bring her a lunch.  


Me:  Have you decided what you would like to do?

Father:  Still deciding.

Me;  Thanks (hangs up phone)


(Phone rings)

Me:  Hello, How can I help you?

Mother:  I just wanted say thank you... You had spoke with my husband and he said that you would buy my daughter a lunch.

Me:  Yes.  He said something to effect that he wasn't going to bring her lunch to teach her a lesson and we cannot have students without food for all day. 

Mother:  Yes and she is the girl who forgets everything, so this might really be a good life lesson for her. 


Mother:  But I will bring you cash for the food this afternoon...

Me:.... Thanks.

Mother:  Ok Thanks BYE!


Wednesday, June 22, 2016


...on the floor of the bathroom.

This was found because a student asked to clean off their shoe.  And when the intern asked why, the discovery was made.

Queen of Wine

Found in the rehearsal studio. Kings harness the power of the universe (or maybe get struck by lightening?). Queens drink goblets of wine in castles. Witches cast evil spells. I'd prefer to be the Queen after a 7 hour day of teaching camp.

Camp Throw Up

Today, my boss returned from a 2 1/2 week vacation, which just happens to coincide with the middle of our summer camp season.  As he's checking in with everyone and talking with my staff, he says, "You know the way I measure success with camp?  If no one throws up, it's a success."  And he walks away.  You know where this is going, right?

About 10 minutes later, one of our high school campers throws up.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

I've suggested he say instead, "You know the way I measure success with camp?  If I find a $100 bill in my pocket, it's a success."

In 10 minutes, we should all be a little better off......


After a year and 2 week hiatus, SUMMER CAMPS are upon us.  We had 2 amazing weeks here, and then the full moon and summer solstice happened... AND WOW!

Laundry List of things that happened this week:

1) Several kids enrolled in the wrong camps. (So 3rd graders in a high school camp.)
2) Kid puking during a warm up for a dance camp.
3) Kid tore up knee during the same warm up
4) Air conditioner broken.
5) Kid walked off campus because he was mad. (He made it home safely, and had a release form that allowed him to leave camp.)
6) 2 interns late on the same day.
7) A third intern, on the same day, didn't show to a camp.
8) And we were accused of not allowing our campers to eat.

And its only 9 am on Wednesday.  Please send help.

If you have a story to tell, please let me know!