Monday, June 23, 2014

Compliment Circle (of food)

Transcripts from the post-lunch compliment circle Thursday 6/19/14:
Me: Does any one have any compliments to give their classmates about the first part of the day?
A: Z shared his Kool-Aid with me.
Me: Ok, well, technically, StageOne has a no-food-sharing-policy, but the sentiment was very nice.
B: X shared his candy with me....X, was it a reese's cup?
X: (sensing danger or guilt)....I don't think so....
Me: Well, StageOne is definitely peanut free, so NEVER bring a reese's OR share it, but, I guess it's the thought that counts.
C: Can I say something nice about myself?
Me: Well, Not really. Compliment circle is about compliments for other people.
C: But I did something really nice! Oh, well... Today, Y gave one Skittle to everyone in class, just like yesterday!
Y: (with adorable speech impediment, shrugging) I have a really big bag.
Me: OK, so tomorrow we are looking for compliments that are NOT related to food.
(blank stares from all)

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