Monday, June 23, 2014

Like with a Wand

Last week, Wednesday, a boy came to the office complaining of a headache. We let him lull about. Called mom. She basically said he's faking it and he should tough it out (oh and she had decided on a whim last Friday to sign him up for theatre camp without consulting him when really he is a stay-at-home-video-game-kind-of-kid). We finally got him back in class, grudgingly. 

This morning, he shows up at check in and I was all like: " Good morning!" (meaning: "Whoa! I didn't expect to ever see you againl"). And he kind of smiled and said: "I'm here for vampires," and I was like: "Cool" (meaning: "oh god I hope I don't have a week of you in my office with headaches").

Fast forward to check out this afternoon where kids were talking about the play they were writing and we asked: "Are you a vampire, too?" (meaning: oh man, I hope you had a good day) and he grinned, ear-to-ear, and announced: "Nope. I'm a fairy. Like with a wand." And he was genuinely happy.

PS He's in 8th grade.

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